WT 360: How private capital helps spin the tech innovation cycles

Tiffanny Gates of Capital Meridian Partners

Tiffanny Gates of Capital Meridian Partners

Find opportunities — and win them.

Tiffanny Gates, the former Novetta CEO now at Capitol Meridian Partners, describes how private equity and other investment models like it help bring commercial innovation into the public sector ecosystem.

Private capital is a broad umbrella term for several different types of investment and ownership models, but private equity is the one that looms the largest over GovCon and tech-centric companies there.

Tiffanny Gates has a front row seat to that as an operating partner at Capitol Meridian Partners, an investor that touts itself as at the nexus of government and commercial markets. Gates joins our Ross Wilkers in this episode to go over the unique role of private equity in bringing innovations to the public sector ecosystem.

Also on the agenda for their conversation: the U.S. government’s data problems and solutions for them, sorting artificial intelligence hype and substance, and workforce trends across the market.

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