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Ross Wilkers

Senior Staff Reporter

Ross Wilkers
Ross Wilkers covers the business of government contracting, companies and trends that shape the market. He joined WT in 2017 and works with Editor-in-Chief Nick Wakeman to host and produce our WT 360 podcast that features discussions with the market's leading executives and voices. Ross is a native of Northern Virginia and is an alumnus of George Mason University.

Navy finalizes 11 awards for $496M electrical, mechanics contract

The Navy expands its pool of companies that provide hull, mechanical and electrical systems for vessels.


Akima subsidiary books $563M Army facility support contract

Redstone Arsenal is home to approximately six dozen tenant agencies that run operations there.


ManTech looks to expand its tech view through Marque Ventures partnership

The alliance will give ManTech a role in finding and then helping promising tech firms to bridge the so-called "valley of death."


Accenture's federal arm elevates Ash to CEO post

Ron Ash first joined Accenture Federal Services in 2002 after six years in other roles across the corporation.


Energy sticks with first choice for $377M training support contract

Nine companies bid as part of this corrective action for the five-year award focused on Energy's National Training Center.


WT 360: NextGov/FCW's Edward Graham on generative AI across Defense, Homeland Security

Edward Graham, our NextGov/FCW colleague who covers national security technology and policies, jumps in to update us on where the Defense and Homeland Security departments are at with generative artificial intelligence.


Tech, roadmap and talent leadership moves across the market

One of the aerospace-and-defense sector's blue chip players also undertakes a leadership transition for one of its business segments.


Saronic fetches $175M in Series B round

The two-year-old autonomous surface vessel maker has big plans for the production and research-and-development legs of its strategy.


Serco secures $238M PBGC customer service follow-on

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation first chose Serco Inc. for the program in 2019 and is looking to build upon that work.


Magee Technologies wins $175M Navy prototyping support contract

Navy officials sought to hire a small business that could work help the branch in activities such as manufacturing and demonstration for aircraft.


CIO-SP3 now stretches into 2025 amid recompete's holding pattern

Technical issues related to the large volume of records surrounding the CIO-SP4 contract are getting in the way of the court case moving ahead.


Deloitte wins $2.4B submarine industry development contract

The Navy, submarine makers and the latter's suppliers need more than 100,000 workers over the next decade to build more subs.


KBR to acquire LinQuest for $737 million

This is KBR's latest in a multi-year series of moves to build out its space business.


Army chooses small business for $370M payroll system update contract

The Army's Integrated Personnel and Pay System both helps soldiers get paid and leaders track other aspects of their service.


Cognosante bid wins $583M Military OneSource support contract

Accenture's U.S. federal subsidiary has acquired Cognosante and is poised to take over the operation of a round-the-clock resource directly tied to military life.


WT 360: KBR's Top 100 footprints extend across the globe

Byron Bright, president of U.S. government solutions at KBR, describes how Company No. 17's work for that particular client set extends well beyond America to include its allies and where technology fits into the bigger picture.


One new president and more leadership moves across the market

Growth, human resources, and the national security sector also get mentions in this compilation.


Yulista awarded $219M Army aviation support contract

The Army sought an 8(a) small business to work with one of its air integration and engineering teams.


AI and rockets mark the week's space investments

The venture capital arms of Boeing, Booz Allen Hamilton and Lockheed Martin are among those involved in the deals.


AE Industrial Partners unveils its third investment fund

Fund III has already seen around one-fourth of its $1.28 billion size deployed into new platform acquisitions and add-ons.