Army unveils structure of bundled professional services, IT recompete / Putilich

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The future Marketplace for the Acquisition of Professional Services contract is poised to have five domains for interested bidders to consider.

The Army has started to take the covers off the now-bundled recompete of its go-to contract vehicles for professional and IT-centric services, a move that gives industry a first look at the service branch's blueprint.

In a sources sought notice issued Thursday, the Army said it is planning for the future Marketplace for the Acquisition of Professional Services contract to have five domains that will each be “limited to a select number of primes.”

Responses, questions, comments and suggestions are due to the Army no later than 4:30 p.m. Eastern time this coming Friday.

The Army breaks out MAPS’ planned domains as:

  • Technical services
  • Research, development, testing and evaluation services
  • Management and advisory services
  • High-level IT services
  • Low-level IT services

MAPS is the end result of the Army’s move in April to combine its current Responsive Strategic Services Sourcing and Information Technology Enterprise Solution-3 Services vehicles, also known as RS3 and ITES-3S.

GovTribe data indicates the Army has obligated approximately $10.4 billion in combined task order spend across both vehicles, which have a collective $49.4 billion ceiling. MAPS’ size and specs will almost certainly be well into that multibillion-dollar territory on the spending and ceiling fronts.

RS3 was awarded over multiple rounds in the 2017-to-2019 timeframe and is scheduled to expire in May 2027, while ITES-3S’ sunset is slated for September 2027.

MAPS’ requirements will include engineering; research, development, test and evaluation; logistics; acquisition and strategic planning; education and training; medical-based logistical services; and IT services.