Accenture captures $1.6B Air Force cloud contract dallasgolden

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The company will act as a reseller for cloud offerings and provide enterprise-scale software management services.

Accenture's U.S. federal subsidiary has won a $1.6 billion contract to supply the Air Force with enterprise cloud services.

Accenture Federal Services will act as a reseller for cloud services. It will also provide enterprise-scale software management services under the five-year contract.

The work was competed under the General Services Administration's Schedules program. There was one other bidder, according to the Defense Department’s Wednesday awards digest.

Work will take place at Accenture Federal’s facilities. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center at Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts manages the task order.

It is unclear whether this work is part of the Air Force’s Cloud One Next program, which is managed out of Hanscom.

We have reached out to both the Air Force and Accenture and were waiting for a response as we posted this story. We will provide an update when we hear back.

Cloud One Next will provide Air Force mission systems owners access to multiple cloud service providers. They describe it as a “cloud landing zone” in previously-released procurement documents.

Among the services sought are migration from on-premises data centers to cloud environments. The Air Force is also interested in reducing complexity and creating a standard set of guardrails and tools for use across the branch.