Rapid protest withdrawal leaves $1.8B PRISM contract uninterrupted

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West 4th Strategy's protest against the personnel and readiness management support contract ended before the government could even respond.

As quickly as the protest of the $1.8 billion PRISM contract came, it has just as quickly gone away.

West 4th Strategy filed its protest on Aug. 13 after its bid was not selected for a position on the Defense Department’s Personnel and Readiness Infrastructure Support Management contract vehicle. One week later, the company withdrew the protest.

That wasn’t even enough time for DOD and the General Services Administration to meet the 30-day deadline for responding to the protest. GSA is managing the PRISM procurement on DOD's behalf.

Companies aren’t required to disclose why they withdraw their protest and we will not speculate over what happened.

PRISM should now be open for business with no pending protests in the way.

West 4th Strategy declined to comment on why they withdrew, but did say there might be an update within a few months. We’ll keep an eye out for that.

The PRISM contract supports DOD's human resources and payroll activities. Some of the task areas include program management, business operations, training, engineering and security, health services, logistics, and procurement.

GSA awarded places on the vehicle to these 13 companies:

  • Booz Allen Hamilton
  • Capella Partners
  • Concurrent Technologies Corp.
  • CPS Professional Services
  • Cydecor
  • Deloitte
  • Fedwriters
  • Guidehouse
  • IBM
  • Kearney & Co.
  • KPMG
  • Murphy Technology Group
  • Science Applications International Corp.