L3Harris can claim this $900M Air Force training tech win

While bids were due before its creation, L3Harris Technologies can claim this win of a $900 million Air Force training technology contract that helps explain how both sides of the merger saw each other.
Proposals were due for a potential 10-year, $900 million Air Force training system architecture contract nearly four months before L3 Technologies and Harris Corp. completed their merger last year.
But L3’s win of that award announced Friday helps show what both sides of the deal to create L3Harris Technologies saw in each other from the perspective of what they were pursuing and in retrospect shows like-mindedness on their part.
L3 beat out five other competitors in its bid for the Simulator Common Architecture Requirements and Standards program, according to the Pentagon’s awards digest. This win comes as L3Harris on Monday celebrates the first anniversary of the merger's closing to create the company it is today.
Pending any debriefings and potential post-award protests, L3Harris will work with the Air Force to stand up a security operations center and library in support of efforts to roll out a common package of standards for simulators.
The goal is to establish a common open system architecture for air training systems with SCARS as a key enabler of that and a cybersecurity framework, according to solicitation documents.
Work will take place over an initial five-year base ordering period followed by another five individual option years.