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IT and control projects drive UAV opportunities.

Using a software interface, HURT linksdifferent aerial platforms to build a unifiedpicture of the combat area.HURT technologies weredeveloped for the military, butthey could be used for otherapplications, such as borderpatrol and law enforcement.As information technologysolutions designed to control multipleUAVs improve, demand for specializedvehicles will grow.For example, AeroVironment Inc. hasreceived $19.3 million in orders from theMarine Corps for the company'sBattlefield Air Targeting Micro AirVehicle systems.Each system consists of two Wasp IIImicro air vehicles, AeroVironment'sAdvanced Battery Charger, spares and supportservices.Weighing one pound with a wingspan of29 inches, the Wasp III carries oneinfrared camera and two color camerasthat transmit streaming video to a handheldground controller.The Wasp III systems will be used at theplatoon level.The mid-air refueling project illustratesthe Defense Department's desire to useunmanned systems for a greater number ofmissions.The system uses a specialized GlobalPositioning System receiver and a recentlydeveloped data link on each aircraft. Fortesting purposes, Learjets rather thanUAVs are the surrogate receivers.The tanker's inertial navigation systemand GPS data go across the data link to thereceiver aircraft. The receiver aircraft usesthe tanker's and its own data to calculate itsposition relative to the tanker. It then usesthat information to drive the flight controlsystem on the receiver aircraft."The operations around the tanker arepretty well scripted by the operations community,"Schreiter said. "We've adapted theF-16 concepts of operations for our project,so we've established the positions that thereceiver aircraft should be around thetanker and we can direct the aircraft tothose positions."The GPS/datalink system takes the placeof a pilot seeing the tanker and maneuveringto the correct position.At this point, the biggest challenge isrefining the technology."We are really merging twopretty new pieces of equipment:this precision GPS receiver andthe datalink," Schreiter said.The UAV has to settle into anarrow space behind the tankerdefined by the length of the boomthat delivers the fuel. If the planecan't navigate into that space and stay therelong enough, the refueling won't work."From our system, to meet those tolerances,you have to pretty well control yournavigation control from the GPS system,via the [data] transmitted across this link,"Schreiter said.This concept of giving UAVs new capabilitiesis likely to be a fertile line of businessfor years to come.The navigation technology to get fromplace to place is well-defined. "It's this finalrendezvous and rejoin that's unique to whatwe're working on now," Schreiter said.

Mid-air refueling of jets can be tricky.
Pilots meet the tankers at predetermined
spots in the air, then maneuver into a position
where the tanker's boom operator can
direct the fuel shaft to the jet's contact
point. Once connected, the aircraft must
maintain the tight formation while fuel is

Using a computer instead of a human
pilot to handle the second-by-second
adjustments necessary is vastly more difficult.
But researchers are trying to do just
that, said Daniel Schreiter, deputy program
manager for automated aerial refueling at
the Air Force Research Laboratory, based at
Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Ohio.
If the project succeeds, Air Force's
tankers will be able to refuel unmanned
aerial vehicles, something they cannot do

The project is one example of how
unmanned vehicles are evolving in the military.
Industry experts agree that business
opportunities to develop information-andcontrol
systems related to UAVs will continue
to grow in coming years.


For example, Northrop Grumman Corp.
is developing the Heterogeneous
Unmanned Reconnaissance Team, or
HURT, as a low-cost, autonomous control
system for UAVs that provide information
about enemy positions to troops on the

The Air Force Research Laboratory is
the technical and contracting agent for the
Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency-managed program.

HURT allows ground forces to receive
video surveillance of the surrounding area
and request specific information about suspected
enemy positions on user-friendly
touch screens. The system autonomously
processes multiple requests and directs the
most suitable aircraft to take a closer look.

The HURT system demonstrated at an
April exercise at Fort Hunter Liggett,
Calif., that it could control combinations of manned and unmanned Army aircraft to
send tactical data in real time to soldiers
equipped with handheld computers.
The exercise demonstrated HURT's ability
to simultaneously control three tiers of
reconnaissance aircraft.

  • Tier I flew at 6,000 feet and scanned
    areas as far as 100 miles from the combat
  • Tier II flew at 2,000 feet and covered
    areas 50 miles away.
  • Tier III flew at 100 feet over the immediate
    combat zone.



Staff writer Doug Beizer can be reached at

NEXT STORY: On the edge