SEWP VI faces single protest over small business concerns

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NASA could be delayed in its award of the $60 billion IT product and services contract, which has a proposal due date of Feb. 19.

NASA’s SEWP VI solicitation is facing a protest from a small business that says companies like them face tougher requirements than other bidders.

That challenge at the Government Accountability Office may cause a delay in the procurement because NASA cannot make awards while a protest is pending. Proposals for the potential $60 billion IT vehicle are due Feb. 19.

AdaptiveStack Technologies filed its protest Jan. 31 and GAO’s ruling is due May 12.

Daytona Beach, Florida-headquartered AdaptiveStack is claiming that small businesses competing as sole prime offerors are treated differently than SBs that are joint ventures.

Sole prime offerors are required to submit relevant experience and past performance on contracts that are higher in value than what NASA is requiring of SB joint ventures.

AdaptiveStack claims NASA does not have a valid reason for the different dollar thresholds for the two types of bidders.

SEWP VI is a governmentwide acquisition vehicle that NASA and other agencies use to buy IT products. This version of SEWP now includes standalone services, a major change from predecessor versions of the vehicle.

SEWP VI is slated to have a $60 billion ceiling over a 10-year term.