The General Services Administration's acting leader outlines a blueprint for how the Trump administration wants to streamline regulations, a move aimed at opening the market to more competition and "best-in-class" companies.
GovTribe’s newest list of its most-viewed opportunities highlight professional services, cybersecurity and IDIQ contracts as priorities amid government transition.
DOGE is considering whether to designate the General Services Administration as the mandatory purchasing center for civilian agencies. But history suggests that competition drives innovation and efficiency, not consolidation.
Contractors are under more pressure than before to justify value and embrace innovation as the DOGE seeks radical efficiencies through cuts and process reforms.
David Berteau, CEO of the Professional Services Council, offers strategic advice for companies to consider as the federal landscape undergoes rapid transformation.
Strategic Alliance is challenging its elimination from an award on the OASIS+ professional services vehicle, claiming an inconsistent application of certification requirements.
The incumbent is challenging the rival’s eligibility over a corporate name discrepancy in the government's official database of who its contractors are.
A protest involving a now-deleted sustainability requirement is dismissed, but three other challenges go on and NASA cannot award the $60 billion IT contract until they are resolved.