Business Beat

IRS modernization accelerates with Inflation Reduction Act funds

Officials at the IRS and Treasury highlight multi-year funding, cross-disciplinary teams and enhanced user experience as among the key impacts.

T4NG2 lawsuit hearings set for late summer

The defendants want the case dismissed, saying challenges to the solicitation for the Veterans Affairs' $60 billion IT vehicle are too late.

NITAAC's CIO-SP4 court filings due Friday

The National Institutes of Health's IT acquisition arm is tasked with collecting extensive documentation for its response to multiple lawsuits over the $50 billion contract vehicle.

DHS now has clear path to award $8.4B services vehicle

All protests regarding the PACTS III vehicle are now resolved, including those that questioned what small-business set-aside work is acceptable.

CIO-SP4 protesters may finally see payments for their troubles

An exact timeframe for when the companies will get their long-awaited reimbursements is uncertain, even as those payments are in motion.

Balancing innovation and safety: Inside NIST’s AI Safety Institute

The institute's director Elizabeth Kelly details efforts to test models and create guidance to encourage responsible artificial intelligence use.

How GAO told the Air Force to redo $12B systems integration contract

The dispute over a Sentinel program integration support contract intensifies as BAE Systems and Guidehouse battle for the award, further adding to the Air Force's nuclear missile modernization woes.

Maximus protests labor clause in $6.6B CMS recompete

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services decided not to continue with the contract after the current option and has inserted a labor harmony requirement into the new solicitation.

Groundswell, Workday make good on partnership with Peace Corps project

This implementation of cloud-based human resource management functions is part of a trend across federal agencies.

Complaints mount about NITAAC's slow payment plan for CIO-SP4 protests

Many of the companies who won protests over the CIO-SP4 contract still have not been reimbursed for their costs and they are not happy about it.

Next Power Breakfast explores the tech behind the USDA mission

USDA officials and industry experts will share insights on how USDA is leveraging technology to meet their mission and the opportunities ahead.

Trends driving today's Top 100

Commercial tech, space and partnerships are keys to success for many of the biggest companies in the federal market.

Veterans Affairs proposes schedule for T4NG2 case

The department believes the 32 protests involving the $60 billion IT vehicle can be resolved by March 2025.

Protests against T4NG2 awards hit a growth spurt

More companies have joined the group of those complaining about how the Veterans Affairs Department evaluated proposals for the $60 billion IT vehicle.

Protest ping-pong engulfs $345M Veterans Affairs contract

GovCIO and General Dynamics IT continue to trade blows as the file conversion contract has turned into a perpetual loop of protests and corrective actions.

Judge sets schedule for CIO-SP4 protests

The National Institutes of Health's IT arm has about four weeks to file its administrative record for the $50 billion CIO-SP4 IT contract, followed by other deadlines through the summer and fall.

FBI remains silent on who won ITSSS-2

A full week has passed since the FBI said it made 95 awards for the $7 billion IT pact, but there is no official word on who those winners are.