PROJECT 38: Making competent diversity happen in national security
The conversation around diversity has hit a peak in recent weeks and Maggie Feldman-Piltch, founder and CEO of #NatSecGirlSquad shares how talk and action on diversity go hand-in-hand.
The conversation about diversity in the national security and overall public sector ecosystem goes through peaks and troughs, and the past month would certainly qualify as a peak period. Get a glimpse at how talk and action go hand-in-hand in this episode of Project 38 with Maggie Feldman-Piltch, founder and CEO of#NatSecGirlSquad.
Feldman-Piltch lives and breathes the subject of what she and the consulting and networking firm call “competent diversity” and leadership to make that happen. Competent diversity to them means building a national security and defense workforce that is more resilient, capable and agile.
Guidehouse worked with the Squad on a survey released earlier this year to ask members about the challenges they face in entering, working in and leading in national security. Feldman-Piltch discusses with Senior Staff Writer Ross Wilkers some of the broader trends and findings that illuminate what is happening on the ground floor, plus how to turn the conversation into action.