White House to CIA: Use IT to improve intelligence gathering

The White House has ordered the CIA to develop IT tools that can assist in processing and using foreign language information.

The White House has ordered the CIA to develop IT tools that can assist in processing and using foreign language information.

The Nov. 23 presidential memo focuses on rebuilding CIA's analytic and human intelligence capabilities, including hiring more analysts and agents with proficiency in critical languages such as Arabic.

The Bush Administration said it also wants the agency to:

*Develop analytical expertise and advanced methods, including geospatial analysis

*Acquire tools for speedy, proactive information sharing among federal agencies responsible for national and homeland security

Within 90 days, the CIA must submit a detailed budget and implementation plan, including performance measures with timelines for reaching goals.

The White House memo may be found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2004/11/20041123-5.html.

NEXT STORY: OMB to name Burk chief architect