Google stops suit against Interior

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Company says Interior will consider them for future cloud solicitations, but the Interior says, 'not so fast.'

Google and its reseller Onix Networking Corp. have dropped a lawsuit against the Interior Dept. for the alleged favoring of Microsoft Corp. in a solicitation, the Washington Business Journal is reporting

In its request to drop the lawsuit, Google said that Interior had agreed to update its market research and possibly issue a request for information. If the agency moved forward with a new procurement, Google would not be precluded from fairly competing, the Journal reported.

Interior, however, filed a response saying it does not have an agreement as described in Google request. The motion to withdraw was not opposed.

The agency wanted cloud services when it issued a solicitation last October in which it said only Microsoft could provide the level of security needed.

federal claims court in January stopped Interior from awarding the contract to Microsoft saying the agency had violated the Competition in Contracting Act.