Defense audit shines a light on IT woes

The Department of Defense has a long way to go before it can account for its estimated $2.7 trillion in far-flung assets.

DOD moves $8B back-office cloud buy to Schedule 70

Defense IT officials have moved their $8 billion back office cloud procurement for productivity and communications from DISA to the GSA schedule.

Air Force may require agile for all acquisitions

The Air Force's CTO Frank Konieczny said the service is considering a directive that every acquisition have a Kessel Run-like agile development component.

Former Symantec CEO tapped as new DIU chief

Former Symantec CEO Michael Brown takes over as director of the Defense Innovation Unit.

TRANSCOM quietly takes another shot at cloud

The U.S. Transportation Command is discreetly revving up for another cloud bid, following an industry day with lead cloud service providers in August.

DIUx drops the 'x'

DOD is dropping the 'experimental' from the name of the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental in recognition that the unit is now a permanent fixture at DOD.

Does JEDI's new 'pathfinder' designation suggest second thoughts about a single provider?

Industry reacts to the Defense Department’s final proposal request for its Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud program.

DOD CIO slows down JEDI cloud acquisition

Defense Department CIO Dana Deasy has hit the pause button on the massive JEDI cloud request for proposal as he directs staff to compile a comprehensive review.

Can you really fix DOD acquisitions in a week?

Section 809 Panel Chair David Drabkin and Commissioner N. Ross Thompson III explained how their latest report on streamlining acquisition could help the DOD with workforce woes.

DOD puts JEDI under CIO leadership

In a June 22 memo, Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan ordered DOD’s massive commercial cloud acquisition to fall under new CIO Dana Deasy.

Defense authorization bill sails through House

The $717 billion 2019 National Defense Authorization Act has moved closer to approval with a positive vote by the House.

NGA talks acquisition overhaul

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Deputy Director Justin Poole said the key to acquisition reform is more autonomy.

Next NDAA might add more cyber provisions

The 2019 National Defense Authorization Act could have a slew of new cyber provisions aimed at streamlining the Defense Department’s collaboration with the rest of government.

Centralized IT management needed to cut DOD cost

A more powerful CIO could bring savings to the Defense Department.

Looking outside the Beltway for future tech talent

Leidos CEO Roger Krone is looking outside the Washington metro area for engineering and software hires.

Acquisition reform requires cultural change, Air Force commander says

To modernize procurement, the Defense Department needs more than creative work arounds such as OTA. It needs to change the culture, says The Air Force materiel commander.

DOD scales back $950M cloud agreement

A DIUx-driven Other Transaction Authority agreement with REAN Cloud that had been DOD-wide will now be limited to U.S. Transportation Command, and given a much lower ceiling of $65 million.

Uncertain budgets weigh on Air Force leaders

Budget uncertainty is taking a toll on research and modernization efforts at the Air Force.

DOD looks to DIUX for the future of acquisition

In the midst of a reorg and modernization efforts, the Defense Department wants to lean on its experimental arm to cure procurement woes.

Military sees broader use of mobility

The Air Force, Marine Corps and Army are looking to bring logistics tracking and wireless learning capabilities to mobile devices for troops.