Author Archive

John Makulowich

HTML 4.0 Now Virtual Standard for Internet Community

HTML 4.0 Now Virtual Standard for Internet Community By John Makulowich Senior Writer Enter the mecca of the World Wide Web and you're greeted with the organization's tag line: "Leading the Web to its Full Potential..." That ellipsis alone would satisfy the most jaded cynic - as long as he or she had a sense of irony. If that's not enough subtlety for you, then the page's pull quote from the master himself, Tim Berners-Lee, W3

HTML 4.0 Now Virtual Standard for Internet Community

HTML 4.0 Now Virtual Standard for Internet Community By John Makulowich Senior Writer Enter the mecca of the World Wide Web and you're greeted with the organization's tag line: "Leading the Web to its Full Potential..." That ellipsis alone would satisfy the most jaded cynic - as long as he or she had a sense of irony. If that's not enough subtlety for you, then the page's pull quote from the master himself, Tim Berners-Lee, W3