Aneesh Chopra offers glimpse of his priorities as federal CTO

Aneesh Chopra said he would look to support the president’s priorities through so-called innovation platforms, such as crowd sourcing.

Kundra promotes Web 2.0 tech as cost efficient

Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra says the government must tap Web 2.0 technology to capture the potential savings from available low-cost software applications and processing capabilities, and to reap a wealth of knowledge from citizens and organizations.

Senate confirms Aneesh Chopra

The Senate has confirmed Aneesh Chopra as the nation’s first federal chief technology officer.

Aneesh Chopra moves a step closer to CTO position

Aneesh Chopra is one step closer to becoming the first federal chief technology officer after winning unanimous support from the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee.

Commerce readies contract for broadband grant support

The Commerce Department released a schedule showing that it is preparing to hire a contractor in June to help manage its huge broadband grant program.

The race for technology reform

In his first 100 days in office, President Barack Obama brought a fresh approach to new technologies and an ambitious IT reform agenda. However, a lack of specific details has frustrated the contracting community.

EMentum helps Justice simplify case load management

EMentum will provide technical and project management support to the Justice Department under a three-year, $7.5 million contract.

White House official stresses collaborative approach

White House official Beth Noveck says the collaborative model used for open-source software should be adopted by the federal government.

Recovery board solicits IT vendor ideas online

The panel overseeing the economic stimulus law debuted a new Web site today to invite ideas from IT vendors, experts and consumers.

Kundra calls for context-driven government

Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra wants the government to make its data more available and services more accessible.

Cities track stimulus money on new Web sites

Several cities have established Web sites to track the $50 billion in economic stimulus spending cities will get.

Omnitec to upgrade DOD Web sites

Omnitec Solutions will provide software solutions and other support for DOD Web sites under a four-year, $37 million contract.

California to lead states in stimulus jobs

California will get the most jobs from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, according to a private company tracking the stimulus spending.

IBM's Prow keeps focus on customers and delivery

Charles Prow takes on responsibility for IBM's public-sector services business.

POGO: Penalized contractors kept winning contracts

A government watchdog group says some contractors kept winning federal work despite being banned from getting that work.

TechAmerica: State and locals must revise procurement regs

State and local governments are hurting themselves by imposing too many onerous terms on information technology contractors, according to a trade association.

Towns suggests IT committee to improve transparency of stimulus spending

Federal, state and private sector IT leaders should help track the stimulus package, House committee chairman suggests.

IDC: Stimulus to pump billions into federal IT

The new stimulus law will pump approximately $2.5 billion into federal agencies for technology funding, according to IDC.

Unisys starts global forum for government, IT executives

Unisys Corp. has created a global forum to bring together leaders from government and the information technology industry.

Transcript of Kundra's FOSE address

Here is the transcript of the remarks delivered March 12 by federal CIO Vivek Kundra to attendees at the FOSE 2009 IT expo in Washington.