
AI can make better decisions but governance is the key

The rapid development of AI has the potential to remake how decisions are made but as we move forward AI decisions need to be transparent and explainable. Something that doesn't always happen today.


What COVID-19 contracting guidance tells us and what we still need to know

In his latest commentary, attorney James Fontana explains what the growing number of agency contract guidance are saying and what else the market needs to know.

Can a cloud contract be set aside for small businesses? Maybe not.

This protest over the terms of a cloud services solicitation is raising questions over whether the government can reserve such a contract for small businesses only.

DOD previews $1.5B professional services recompete

The Defense Department gives an early glimpse at the $1.5 billion recompete of a professional services contract used by its top acquisition official.

What small businesses are saying about COVID-19 impacts

Small business contractors are reporting cash flow and other financial issues in a new survey to explore the impacts of COVID-19 amid steps by their largest customer and industry partners to try and mitigate negative effects.


PROJECT 38: How the public sector has gone all in on the COVID-19 response

What does a “whole of government” approach mean in terms of how agencies and their industry partners respond to the COVID-19 pandemic? Find out in this episode with Jerry McGinn, executive director of George Mason University’s Center for Government Contracting.


The future of work is here: How 'distance work' is transforming the workplace

The response to the COVID-19 has massively accelerated the future of work. IBM's John Kamensky explores what that means to the business of government in the start of this multi-part commentary series.

Marines want tech, not tanks

The Marine Corps is willing to swap out tanks and cannons for a better, more agile, cloud based network available in the most remote environments.


How COVID-19 makes the business case for more analytics

The response and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic means that business leaders must arm themselves with data. Here's how analytics can help you navigate the way forward.

Don't skimp on corporate development during the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is top of mind for just about everyone, but the daily craziness shouldn't stop company leaders from looking to the future. Here are 10 things you can do today.

White House outlines how agencies can help contractors during pandemic

The White House budget office attempts to give further clarity on what agencies can do to support contractors, including the reimbursement of paid leave in the event workers cannot report.

Air Force headed toward full-and-open competitions for EITaaS pilots

Over the next few months, the Air Force will begin work to transition its Enterprise IT as a Service pilots from Other Transaction Authorities to traditional contracts.

GSA sets AI pilot as test for procurement process

GSA has released a solicitation for an artificial intelligence pilot to test a new procurement process for commercial solutions.

Power Breakfast Preview: inside the EITaaS opportunity

At our first-ever virtual WT Power Breakfast, we'll explore the Enterprise IT as a Service business opportunity and what it means to contractors and their government customers.

Contract obligations rise in response to COVID-19 pandemic

Federal contract obligations for the COVID-19 response span far and wide across the government, as data reveals a sharp increase.

DOD moves toward faster prototyping

Ellen Lord, DOD's acquisition head, issued new guidance for prototype contracts issued through other transaction authorities.

What DOD & ODNI are now telling contractors on COVID-19 costs

With the coronavirus economic stimulus now law, the Defense Department and central office in charge of the intelligence community are leaning on that to help contractors keep their workforces in a "ready state" and remain financially stable.

Lockheed further details supply chain aid effort

Lockheed Martin is speeding up payments to its supply chain partners that are feeling the pinch with the coronavirus pandemic and economic slowdown.

How will DOD’s workforce shift post-COVID-19?

What will working in DOD look like on the other side of the COVID-19 curve?

NIH previews $40B CIO-SP4 vehicle

The National Institutes of Health gives industry an initial glimpse at CIO-SP4: the next and much larger iteration of its multi-billion IT product and services contract vehicle.