2009 Top 100

43: Wyle Laboratories Inc.
Top 100 Revenue: $457,159,721
Defense Revenue: $265,719,697
Civilian Revenue: $191,440,026
2008 Revenue: $800 million
2008 Earnings: N/A
2007 Revenue: N/A
2007 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 4,000
Headquarters: El Segundo, Calif.
Website: www.wylelabs.com
Leadership: George Melton, chairman, president and CEO
Ticker: N/A
Lines of business: Aerospace group, information systems group and integrated science and engineering group
Major customers: Air Force, Defense Department and NASA
Major contracts/projects: Wyle is one of several prime contractors on the General Services Administration's Alliant contract. Alliant's contract vehicle includes any and all components of an integrated information technology solution, including all current and any new technologies that may emerge during the life of the contract.