2023 Top 100

Top 100 Revenue: $445,510,000
Defense Revenue: $8,910,000
Civilian Revenue: $436,600,000
2022 Revenue: 3.5 trillion yen
2022 Earnings: 150 billion yen
2021 Revenue: N/A
2021 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 330,000 globally
Headquarters: Herndon, Virginia
Website: https://us.nttdata.com/en/industries/public-sector

Bob Pryor, CEO
 Dan Albright, president and global head of consulting
 David Bonner, COO
 Wayne Busch, group president, consulting and digital transformation services
 Mona Charif, chief marketing officer
 David Croxville, CFO
 John Dick, general counsel
 Kevin Durkin, president of federal services
 Amir Durrani, EVP, digital operations
 Mary Edwards, president, Provider
 John Graham, group president, commercial sector
 Tanvir Khan, chief digital officer and president, health plan and life sciences
 Christopher Merdon, group president, public sector
 Aaron Millstone, president, digital transformation services
 Matt Provencher, president, financial services and insurance
 Prasoon Saxena, president, manufacturing
 Barry Shurkey, CIO
 Sylvia Steinheiser, EVP, corporate development
 Yoichiro Suzuki, SVP, corporate collaboration
 Mike Thomas, president, commercial industries
 Dave  Turner, division president, state, local and education
 David Vice, chief revenue officer
 Dean Williams, EVP, global people
 Steve Williams, CISO

Ticker: NTDTY
Lines of business: Consulting, cybersecurity, digital transformation, digital operations, digital platforms
Major customers: Justice, USAID, DHS, Interior, GSA
Major contracts/projects: Alliant 2, HCaTS, OASIS, CIO-SP3, AAFES, Army ITES-3S, FCC Application Development Support Services, NAVSEA Seaport NXG, GSA schedules