PROJECT 38: Accenture's John Goodman on the need for speed and agility

Find opportunities — and win them.

John Goodman, chief executive for Accenture Federal Services, talks with Washington Technology Editor Nick Wakeman about the challenges and opportunities ahead that are driven in part by COVID-19 but also enabled by emerging technologies that can change how the government does business.

The impacts of COVID-19 coupled with emerging technologies translates to government customers having different expectations and being more open to new ways of addressing challenges.

John Goodman, chief executive of Accenture Federal Services explains in this conversation with WT Editor Nick Wakeman what those challenges mean to his company and where he sees the market moving forward.

Goodman's perspective is largely optimistic because while the customer needs are great, he sees the technology being there to address those needs. COVID-19 has also opened government agencies to new ways of doing business and pulled them away from traditional approaches that have slowed progress.

You will hear Goodman share Accenture Federal’s strategy and what he sees as challenges and opportunities ahead.

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