Churchill's message for changing times

Find opportunities — and win them.

Winston Churchill lead the U.K. through the challenges of World War II and his message about change resonates in today's COVID-19 world.

As you recall, Winston Churchill was the United Kingdom’s prime minister during most of World War II. He rallied the British people and led the country from the brink of defeat to victory. Churchill’s been quoted as having said, “People like to change they just don’t like to be changed”. 

If you’re a student of Churchill history and psychology, you’ll realize there is a lot of wisdom behind this quotation. 

Apparently in the world we live in today and what will become the new normal, it’s not something we chose, it’s not even something we would like to change, but it’s something we’re being forced to accept as change.

The economic change we are about to encounter caused by the pandemic will be something few of us have come even close to experiencing before, and all of us will remember for the rest of our lives. 

With this in mind, it’s clear that business development was always a challenging role. Now it’s gotten even harder. It’s a new normal out there today and there will be new challenges to adjust to tomorrow. A face to face meeting with a hand shake and sense of personal interaction is being replaced by email, a virtual meeting, tracking prospects remotely, and working opportunities in a much less interpersonal manner. We’re being forced to accept this as change.

If you don’t work a well-documented, engrained and executed Client Engagement Process complimented by a robust Contact Management System, the new normal is not only going to be challenging; the new normal of change will be very challenging.

Client engagement and a CRM are two systems which are interdependent. They go hand in hand and are critically necessary to develop business today and moving forward. 

With 40 plus years’ experience in doing business development as well as coaching and mentoring thousands of BD and sales professional in the role, I know there’s no doubt that these two systems of client engagement and CRM help you discipline both your thinking and your behavior in developing business.

If you’ve learned the MBDi Humint Client Engagement Process, it’s not a big adjustment to execute your interactions remotely by email, phone call or other means if you have a complementing CRM system to track your opportunities. 

Learning to establish and maintain a consistent battle rhythm of revenue generation requires discipline, thinking, process and execution. If you believe you may need support in this area, contact us for assistance or information on online training options. As fellow BD professionals, we’ll continue to honor our purpose to help you overcome challenges during these changing times.