Serco to get second shot at $171M Air Force cyber contract Chino

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The company objected to how proposals were evaluated and convinced the Air Force to take a second look.

Serco Inc. will get another shot at unseating the incumbent on a $170.8 million contract to provide cybersecurity support to the Air Force's Civil Engineer Center.

General Dynamics IT has held the contract since 2018 and won the recompete in early January. The contract was competed under the Alliant 2 IT solutions vehicle.

Serco filed its protest in late January with complaints about how the Air Force evaluated staffing plans. The company argued that staffing estimates used by the Air Force were overstated. Serco also said that if the staffing estimates were correct, then the Air Force should have held discussions with Serco.

On March 6, the Government Accountability Office dismissed Serco’s protest after the Air Force said it would re-evaluate proposals and make a new award decision.

Work under the contract is intended to help the Air Force Civil Engineer Center migrate control systems to the Civil Engineer Enclave with the goal of improving cybersecurity and protecting data.

After the protest was filed, the Air Force issued a bridge contract to GDIT to continue supporting the center’s efforts. That bridge runs through May 8.