CMS plans small business contract for call centers

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services is working on a new small business contract for training and other services to support its call center operations.
The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services is working on a new small business contract for training and other services to support its call center operations.
In a request for information, CMS describes how its two call centers field nearly 42 million calls a year nationwide. One call center is known as 1-800-MEDICARE and the second is for the health insurance marketplace.
The contact centers are open all day day and handle multiple channels including phone calls, emails and web chats. The centers provide information to help citizens manage aspects of their health care including benefits, health plan options and then enrolling in plans.
The contract will likely be for one-year with four one-year options. CMS describes it as a full-and-open competition that is set-aside for small businesses.
The solicitation is expected to be released this week. There is no estimated value on GovTribe or Deltek, nor does there appear to be an incumbent contractor.
We’ll update this post once the solicitation is available.