PSC brings aboard new tech VP

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The Professional Services Council has hired a Capitol Hill veteran as vice president of technology to take the role formerly held by Dave Wennergren.

The Professional Services Council has hired veteran Capitol Hill staffer Kevin Cummins as vice president of technology for the government services trade association.

He will oversee the PSC technology practice currently led by the group's outgoing chief operating officer Dave Wennergren, who will leave PSC after four years on June 30 to join Deloitte Consulting on July 5. Wennergren first joined PSC in 2014 to head the technology group and added the COO role in February of this year.

Cummins formerly served as senior legislative assistant for Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and helped create legislation such as the Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act and Spectrum Relocation Fund Act. Cummins has worked in the Senate for eight years and his private sector career also includes policy-related roles at IBM and ASTM International.

In addition, PSC has named Ashlei Stevens as director of media relations. Stevens is a former senior communications manager for the United Negro College Fund and also advised then-South Carolina Gov. and now Rep. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.) on education policy.