Former Lockheed exec joins GM board

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Linda Gooden isn't staying away from the business world in her retirement from Lockheed Martin. She's just been named to the board of the automaker GM.

So, whatever happened to Linda Gooden, the former Lockheed Martin executive who retired in 2013?

I’m sure she’s enjoying the benefits of retirement, but she certainly hasn’t turned her back on the business world.

Last month, General Motors added Gooden to its board of directors. She is fifth woman on the 13-person GM board. The board includes Mary T. Barra, the company’s CEO. Another board member is retired Adm. Michael Mullen, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

“Linda brings proven leadership and significant experience in information technology and expertise in operations and strategic planning,” said GM Chairman Tim Solso in a statement. “Her background in the aerospace and defense industry provides a diverse perspective that will greatly benefit our board.”

Interestingly, she started her working career at a former GM division, Packard Electric, before going on to a 34-year career at Lockheed Martin. She retired as the president of Lockheed Martin Information Systems and Global Solutions as well as a corporate executive vice president.

GM is one of several corporate boards Gooden serves on, including Automatic Data Processing Inc., WGL Holdings Inc. and Washington Gas Light Co., a subsidiary of WGL.

Click here to read part 1 of my interview with Gooden on the eve of her retirement from Lockheed Martin, and click here for part 2.