Finding NASA's new multi-player game on Facebook takes one giant leap

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If we can put a man on the moon, why can't we make NASA's new space history trivia game easy to find on Facebook?

Houston, we have a problem.

NASA has just released its first multi-player space history trivia game on Facebook, but it seems to have gotten lost in cyberspace.

I was excited about trying out the cool new application, called Space Race Blast Off, so naturally I went to Facebook’s search box. That is where my mission took an unexpected detour.

First, I tried searching “Space Race Blast Off.” I tried regular search, then searched in the Apps category. Nothing.

Then “NASA Space Race Blast Off.” Nothing. “NASA Space Race.” Nothing. “Space Race” got a few hits but none were from NASA.

In desperation I tried “Space Race Blastoff.” Still nothing.

Not being one to give up easily, I visited NASA’s online media Web page and easily discovered the Web link for the application in a NASA official press release of Jan. 30, along with a description of the game. Mission accomplished—for now.

But the future of this game depends on getting multiple online players involved. Probably a lot of people would be eager to try it out--if they could find it. Obviously, the fate of the galaxy is not hanging on this being solved, but it sure would be nice to see the search engine up and running for NASA's new game.