CACI's quartet of Army health care wins total $69M

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With four new prime task order contracts in hand, CACI International will expand IT services for the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support system at Fort Detrick, Md.

CACI International Inc. has garnered four prime task order contracts, totaling $69 million, to continue its collaborative support of Army medical research.

Specifically, CACI will assist the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) system at the Joint Medical Logistics Functional Development Center at Fort Detrick, Md.

DMLSS is an automated information system that provides medical logistics, facility management, and medical maintenance support for U.S. Armed Forces at medical facilities worldwide, according to a Nov. 10 CACI announcement.

As CACI’s involvement expands from functional expertise to a major role in software development, the company will have an increased role in providing cost-effective, integrated solutions for DMLSS development and sustainment, the announcement said.

The first of the awards, the $21 million DMLSS Development and Sustainment Support task order, calls for CACI to continue providing software development and sustainment services to support the Defense Health Systems Support, Medical Logistics Division, and the Joint Medical Logistics Functional Development Center in systems development, delivery and sustainment.

The work will include IT and information management assistance, concept exploration, requirements development, and support in business process reengineering. Work also calls for providing maintenance and sustainment support for the current DMLSS Automated Information System.

The second task order is a $24 million Theater Enterprise-Wide Logistics System award, an SAP-based integration effort to continue migrating theater level medical supply chain management into the DMLSS Automated Information System.

This will provide a single, authoritative transactional database to manage theatre medical material assets and provide order and shipment status through standard DOD systems. This effort will lead to improved management of medical logistics in operational theatres worldwide, the CACI announcement explained.

The DMLSS Engineering Life Cycle Management task order is an $18 million award to continue providing a broad spectrum of system and software engineering life cycle and technical services. This contract provides overarching support to all Defense Medical Logistics applications and systems.

The e-Commerce DMLSS support task order is a $6 million award to provide system and software development and sustainment services to improve the system’s e-commerce electronic catalog.

This effort will create a common transaction exchange format and messaging service to significantly improve the ordering, tracking, and financial capabilities within DMLSS.

The contracts were awarded by the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity under the Defense Medical Information System/Systems Integration, Design, Development, Operations and Maintenance Services indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract vehicle.

CACI International Inc., of Arlington, Va., ranks No. 14 on Washington Technology’s 2011 Top 100 list of the largest federal government contractors.