Let's play Buzzword Bingo

Help us create a government-centric game of Buzzword Bingo!

OK, so we stole -- er, borrowed -- this idea from this Dilbert strip: Let's play Buzzword Bingo!

We're looking for the most annoying, overused, hackneyed examples of government and business jargon that you encounter in your work. Below you'll find a sample Bingo card that we came up with through talking amongst ourselves in the office. Help us out by contributing your own. After all, if you're a proactive thought leader in a dynamic, fast-paced work environment, this should be easy!

baked in tip of the spear core competency mission critical ramp up
anything 2.0 best of breed slippage stand up knowledge base
nimble transparency BINGO smart sizing insourcing
robust boil the ocean net-centric operation-alize next generation
30,000-ft view stick to our knitting anything 3.0 cloud based change agent