Rising Star: Branko Primetica

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Primetica was a key contributor to "The Practical Guide to Federal Service-Oriented Architecture."

VICE PRESIDENTGlobal Tech Inc.Primetica's achievements include his work with theU.S. Patent and Trademark Office to help theagency plan for compliance with the MadridProtocol, which provides for a single internationaltrademark registration. He also leads enterprisearchitecture efforts at the Education and Labordepartments.Primetica was a key contributor to "The PracticalGuide to Federal Service-Oriented Architecture." Healso teaches enterprise architecture implementationat the Graduate School, USDA. He has published afederal performance measurement methodology andis an active member of AFCEA International and theNational Defense Transportation Association.At Global Tech, Primetica leads corporate developmentand marketing initiatives, sets companywidestrategic direction, supports human resources andcontracting efforts, and provides project and programoversight.

NEXT STORY: Rising Star: Yash Shah