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Paul Leslie joined Apptis Inc. aspresident and chief operating officer.The Chantilly, Va., company'sstrategy calls for emphasizing itstechnology services business, whichLeslie is charged with overseeing.He most recently was president andchief executive officer at ApogenTechnologies Inc.Harris Corp. senior executivesSheldon Fox, Wesley Covell and R.Kent Buchanan moved up a notchat the Melbourne, Fla., company.Fox, former president of defenseprograms, was named president ofnational intelligence programs, succeedingRussell Haney, who willretire at the end of the year.Succeeding Fox is Covell, formervice president of engineering.Buchanan leaves his position asvice president of corporate technologyand development to take thereins as vice president of engineeringfor government communicationssystems and chief technologyofficer.Scott Friedlander was namedpresident and COO of GTSI Corp., ofChantilly, Va. Until Dec. 1, Friedlanderwas an executive vice presidentat GTSI. The promotion camewith added responsibilities for operationsand the company's informationtechnology department.Alexandre Winter was namedCEO of the image search andrecognition solutions company hehelped found, LTU TechnologiesInc. Winter, formerly CTO at theWashington company, replacesChahab Nastar. Nastar will remainon the company's board of directors.Frederic Jahard, the company'sproduct development director,was named to replace Winter asCTO. P. Kevin Smith expanded hisrole as North American sales vicepresident to become worldwidesales and marketing senior vicepresident.Tom Eaton joined CapRockCommunications Inc., of Houston,as president of its Fairfax, Va., subsidiaryArrowhead Global SolutionsInc. Eaton most recently was presidentof G2 Satellite Solutions, aPanAmSat subsidiary.Lee Carrick joined Perot SystemsGovernment Services Inc., of Fairfax,Va., as an executive vice presidentleading the company's HomelandSecurity Department, NationalSecurity and Defense Departmentdivisions. Carrick most recently wasvice president of enterprise solutionsat Northrop Grumman Corp.'sIT/civilian agencies group.Dan Whaite joined IronworksConsulting, of Vienna, Va., as abusiness development executive.Whaite most recently oversawWashington-area commercial channelrelationships at EMC Corp.Phillip Gomez joined PRTMManagement Consultants, ofWashington, as a principal in thefirm's biodefense and public healthpractice. Gomez is the former directorof vaccine production at theNational Institute of Allergy andInfectious Diseases/NationalInstitutes of Health VaccineResearch Center.Eric Brahney joined service-disabledveteran-owned informationtechnology contractor CatapultTechnology Ltd. of Bethesda, Md.,as corporate communicationsdirector.Mike O'Neil joined ReactiveNanoTechnologies Inc., of HuntValley, Md., as sales vice president.O'Neil most recently was U.S. salesmanager at Heraeus Inc.Mark Mueller joined Infonic plc,of Reston, Va., as director of thecompany's Geo-Replicator softwaresales division in North America.Mueller most recently was vicepresident of North American salesat CorasWorks Corp.Jayna Kliner joined Welz andWeisel Communications, of Fairfax,Va., as vice president. Kliner, mostrecently a public relations strategistto technology companies, was seniorcommunications manager atAmerica Online.Thomas Fargo, president of TrexEnterprises Corp. and chairmanand CEO of the company's wirelesscommunications subsidiary LoeaCorp., joined the strategic advisoryboard at AtHoc Inc. of Burlingame,Calif. Fargo retired from the Navyas an admiral and commander ofthe U.S. Pacific Command in2005.At Christie Digital Systems Inc.,of Cypress, Calif.: Zoran Veselic tovice president of the company'svisual environments group.At Booz Allen Hamilton, ofMcLean, Va.: Promotions to vicepresident went to Drew Cohen, centralMaryland IT lead for large-scalesystems delivery, intelligence communityclients, and cyber and informationoperations; Maria Darby,strategic communications businesslead, focusing on DefenseDepartment clients; Tom Fuhrman,information assurance lead fordefense clients in the JointCombatant Commands and AirForce; Gordon Holder, charged withidentifying and creating new capabilitiesin combat mission support;Bob Lamb, charged with networkoperations and information analysiscenters for the federal anddefense sectors; Dave Mader,focusing on the U.S. civil market,with an emphasis on organizationaleffectiveness and transformation,and change management;Catherine Nelson, focusing on costestimation, resource managementand economic analysis for governmentfinancial and administrativemanagement improvement programs;Don Pressley, diplomacyand international developmentbusiness lead; Ted Sniffin, chargedwith providing organizational andstrategy consulting services to theDefense Department; Bill Wansley,consulting team leader supportingintelligence community clients; andGreg Wenzel, focusing on applyingemerging technologies and distributedcomputing solutions.John Chehansky joined GlobalScience and Technology Inc., ofGreenbelt, Md., as vice presidentof business development.Chehansky most recently was vicepresident of business developmentat Cubic Defense Applications Inc.Jim Lee joined TiBA SolutionsLLC, of Greenville, S.C., as a projectmanager, working with SouthCarolina agencies and providingstrategies and assistance in implementinggovernment software solutionsnationally.Arnold Hunter joined IntegralSystems Inc., of Lanham, Md., inthe newly created position of corporatesecurity director. He will becharged with ensuring that securityprograms are managed at the seniorcorporate level. Hunter mostrecently held a position in securityand counterintelligence at DOD.Ed Brown joined Artison LLC, ofIncline Village, Nev., as vice presidentof worldwide sales. Brownmost recently was national salesmanager at Niles Audio Corp.Karen Deutsch joined SussConsulting Inc., of Jenkintown, Pa.,as a lead proposal manager.Deutsch most recently was vicepresident of business developmentat Artel Inc.


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