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Mark Ronald joined Veritas CapitalPartners, of New York, as a specialadviser to evaluate potential acquisitionsand investments for the privateequityfirm. Ronald, most recentlychairman and chief executive officerof BAE Systems Inc., also serves onthe boards of Dyncorp InternationalInc., Alliant Techsystems Inc. andCobham plc.Stephen Cambone joined QinetiQNorth America, a wholly owned subsidiaryof QinetiQ Ltd. of McLean,Va., as senior vice president for strategy.From 2003 to 2006, Cambonewas the first undersecretary ofDefense for intelligence, providingpolicy guidance to and responsiblefor the development and oversight ofDefense Department intelligence programsand budgets.Christopher Yau, after a year as anintern at Goodman and Co. LLP, ofRockville, Md., joined the accountingand advisory firm as an associate.Greg Caires joined BAE SystemsInc., of Rockville, Md., as director ofpublic relations. Caires most recentlywas communications manager for theUS101 helicopter program atLockheed Martin Corp., and is a lieutenantin the Navy Reserve, where heserves as public affairs officer withthe U.S. 5th Fleet in Manama,Bahrain.Michael Schutte joined AmericanSystems Corp., of Chantilly, Va., asvice president at the custom engineering,development and integrationdirectorate in Lorton, Va. Schutte waspresident and co-founder of RisingEdge Technologies Inc.John Sapp joined information technologyservices provider SeNetInternational Corp., of Fairfax, Va., asdirector of business development.Paul Wright joined real propertydecision analytics developer VistaTechnology Services Inc., of Herndon,Va., as managing director at the company'snew San Antonio office. Wrightmost recently was an associate atBooz Allen Hamilton Inc., specializingin civil engineering projects for themilitary.Debra Hill joined Level 3Communications Inc., of Broomfield,Colo., as vice president of sales forgovernment markets in the company'sHerndon, Va., office. Hill most recentlywas with Verizon Business/MCI.Bill Lavelle joined Insightix Ltd. ofPearl River, N.Y., as vice president ofsales in the Americas. Lavelle mostrecently was sales vice president atCheck Point Software TechnologiesLtd.Michael Mestrovich, president andchief executive officer at UnlimitedNew Dimensions LLC, of Dumfries,Va., and president and chairman ofthe board of the Federation forIdentity and Cross CredentialingSystems, was named to the federaladvisory board of directors for DataSystems Analysts Inc. of Fairfax, Va.Bill Chadwick, Dave Pauling andMichael Kibler joined the AerospaceIndustries Association of Arlington,Va. Chadwick, the organization's newresearch director, most recently waswith the International TradeCommission. Pauling, who mostrecently was assistant deputy undersecretaryof Defense for materielreadiness and maintenance policy, isthe new senior director of technicaloperations. New Director ofMembership Services Kibler comes toAIR from the Healthcare DistributionManagement Association, where hewas vice president of member relationsand meetings.Denny Groh joined EngineeringServices Network Inc. of Arlington,Va., as vice president of federal outsourcing.Groh most recently wasexecutive director of business developmentfor federal civilian programsat RS Information Systems Inc.Peter Cuviello and Carl Freemanjoined the public services unit atBearingPoint Inc. of McLean, Va., assenior strategists to help drive mission-related services at the DefenseDepartment. Cuviello, who retired asa lieutenant general and Army chiefinformation officer, most recently wasbusiness strategies vice president atLockheed Martin Corp.'s Savi Group.Freeman, a retired major general inthe Army, most recently was anadjunct professor at the Joint SpecialOperations University and a privateconsultant.William Brown Jr. joined SentekConsulting Inc., of San Diego, asthe company's explosive ordnancedisposal training practice manager.He will spearhead all relatedtraining contracts for the defensecontractor.Bob Phillips joined IAP WorldwideServices Inc. of Cape Canaveral, Fla.,as vice president of Navy, MarineCorps and civilian agency facilitiesmanagement programs. Phillipsrecently retired from the Navy as arear admiral and commander of theNaval Construction Forces Command.Gary Mears, Paul Barboza and JimPietrocini were named to executivepositions at TechTeam GovernmentSolutions Inc. of Chantilly, Va., aspart of TechTeam's post-acquisitionreorganization. Mears, previously vicepresident for business developmentat NewVectors LLC, which TechTeamacquired in May, was named seniorvice president of business development.Paul Barboza, previously vicepresident of business development atTechTeam Government Solutions, waspromoted to vice president of thecompany's federal solutions division.Pietrocini, previously CEO of R.L.Phillips Inc., which TechTeamacquired in August, was named vicepresident of business development.Neale Bird joined Avineon Inc. ofAlexandria, Va., as program managerof the company's Total InformationProcessing Support Services (TIPSS-3) contract supporting the InternalRevenue Service. Bird most recentlywas director of civilian programs atPragmatics Inc.Dave Reynolds joinedMorganFranklin Corp. of McLean,Va., as the company's first U.K. advisoryboard member, after its expansioninto the United Kingdom withnew subsidiary MorganFranklin Ltd.Reynolds most recently was directorof internal audit and regulatory complianceat British Telecom plc.Teresa Carlson, Brian Roach and Suzanne Behrens were named generalmanagers at the U.S. public-sectordivision at Microsoft Corp. ofRedmond, Wash. Carlson, formerlyU.S. director of strategy and operations,now leads the U.S. governmentcivilian agencies and internationalglobal organizations. Roach left theposition of manager at the company'sfederal health care organization totake over leading Microsoft's DefenseDepartment business unit. Behrens,most recently public-sector marketingdirector, will oversee Microsoft'spublic-sector marketing and communicationsefforts, breadth sales,and the organization's citizenshipefforts.Amr ElSawy joined nonprofit science,technology and strategy groupNoblis Inc. of Falls Church, Va., aspresident and CEO. ElSawy succeedsLydia Waters Thomas, who retiredafter 11 years in the job. ElSawy is aboard member and standards vicepresident at the American Institute forAeronautics and Astronautics and formerdirector at the Federal AviationAdministration's Federally FundedResearch and Development Center.Michael Kalogeropoulos joinedSGIS of San Diego as division vicepresident of intelligence solutions atthe company's Washington Office.Kalogeropoulos comes to the companyafter 30 years at the CIA.Dean Fox, Claudia Kennedy and JanGaudio joined the advisory board ofAtlanta-based VT Griffin Services Inc.,a member of VT Group Plc ofLondon. Fox, a former Air Force majorgeneral, was the Air Force CivilEngineer. Kennedy was an Army lieutenantgeneral and deputy chief ofstaff for intelligence, the first andonly woman to receive this flag rankin the Army. Gaudio, a former Navyrear admiral, was the 84thCommandant of Naval DistrictWashington.Jonquil Prophet and Todd Leskoskijoined Force 3 Inc. of Crofton, Md.,as account managers. Prophet willwork with the company's federal civiliansector, and Leskoski will handleits Defense Department programs.Ruth Bowers joined BAE SystemsInc. of Rockville, Md., as GeneralServices Administration program vicepresident at the company's customersolutions operating group. Bowershad been senior vice president atApptis Inc.'s governmentwideacquisition contract programsorganization.Audrey Sites joined GuidentTechnologies Inc. of Herndon, Va.,as director of human capital. Sitesmost recently was a principalat Headstrong Inc., supportingfederal, state and local governmentprograms.Todd Tarby joined the governmentservices sector at KMS Solutions LLCin Vienna, Va., as vice president ofintelligence programs and accountmanager for the Defense IntelligenceAgency. Tarby most recently was abusiness development manager atL-3 Communications Inc.Jeff Sessions joined Red RiverComputer Co.'s Washington federalsales division as vice president offederal sales. Before coming to the Lebanon, N.H., company, Sessionswas vice president of federal salesat Government Micro ResourcesInc.Dan Whaite joined IronworksConsulting of Tysons Corner, Va., asa business development executive.Whaite most recently oversawWashington-area commercial channelrelationships at EMC Corp.Tom Kreidler, president of LiquidComputing Federal Inc., JamesMuldoon, CEO of Metcor Inc. and aU.S. Air Force veteran, and DendyYoung, managing partner of McLeanCapital LLC, and former CEO andchairman of GTSI Corp., were namedto the board of directors at LiquidComputing Federal, a subsidiary ofLiquid Computing Inc. of Saint-Eustache, Quebec.At American Systems Corp.,Chantilly, Va.: Mary Voy to trainingoperations directorate vice presidentand director, under the company'smanaged services strategic leadtraining operations directorate.At Boeing Co.: Scott Fancher tovice president and general managerof the company's St. Louis-basedMissile Defense Systems division. Hereplaces Patrick Shanahan, who hastaken the lead on the company's 787Dreamliner program.Darryl Davis to president of thecompany's St. Louis-based AdvancedSystems for Integrated DefenseSystems division.Send personnel announcements towhosonfirst@1105govinfo.com


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