Pragmatics to support Army Surgeon General

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Pragmatics Inc. has won a task order from the Army Surgeon General's Office for information technology support, logistics and other services.

Pragmatics Inc. has won a $13 million task order from the Army Surgeon General's Office for information technology support, logistics and other services.

The task order, under the Army's IT Enterprise Solutions 2 Services contract, calls for Pragmatics to provide the Surgeon General's Office with labor, technical and analytical services for program management, integrated logistics support, network management and administration, as well as help desk and customer support.

The Surgeon General's Office is responsible for managing the Army Medical Program of health care services to service personnel, their families and others who qualify for Defense Department health care.

Pragmatics of McLean, Va., is a provider of software systems, engineering and program management services. Since its establishment in 1985, the company has completed about 300 projects for more than 80 federal, DOD and commercial customers.

NEXT STORY: DOD extends TCS satellite contract