Survey surprise

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Surveys on our home page are unscientific. We don't capture demographics or other information on who is answering the question.

Our primary control is that one computer can only be used to vote one time. It is difficult to vote multiple times. Still, the poll is informative for capturing the mood of readers.

And apparently, you are in a bad mood when it comes to your chosen profession. The poll question we asked, and are still asking, is "Would you want your child to be a government contractor?"

A whopping 95 percent responded with No. Four percent said yes and the remainder said maybe.

I'm not really sure what this means. I was expecting something closer to 50-50. Maybe the scandals and bad press have some people wishing for a different career. I don't know.

One commenter, calling himself the Infosec Guy, offered this observation: If either of my kids asked about being a federal contractor, I would say go for it if they want to eventually become federal employees. Federal contractors also have the plus of being able to work on good projects and gain valuable experience that is applicable as a full time fed or in the private sector. Click here for more of his comments.