Lockheed, Raytheon team up
	Raytheon Co. of Lexington, Mass., a subcontractor on the Defense Department's Future Combat Systems program, this month made five awards for design and development of ground-sensor technology.
Raytheon Co. of Lexington, Mass., a subcontractor on the Defense Department's Future Combat Systems program, this month made five awards for design and development of ground-sensor technology.
Lockheed Martin Corp., Bethesda, Md., won two awards totaling $85 million, and Raytheon's own Network Centric Systems division in McKinney, Texas, won three awards for $223 million. Both companies will field sensors that help warfighters improve situational awareness on the battlefield.
Electro-optical infrared sensors will, under adverse conditions, identify targets, a multifunction radio frequency sensor will alert military vehicles of attack, and a combat identification sensor will determine whether soldiers in the battlefield are friendly.
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