Rhode Island Debuts Health License Lookup on Web

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JUNE 8 ? In the past two days, more than 3,500 visitors have discovered License 2000, a new feature on Rhode Island's Health Department Web site that provides public access to information on all individuals, facilities and other entities licensed or certified by the department.

By Gail Repsher, Staff Writer

JUNE 8 ? In the past two days, more than 3,500 visitors have discovered License 2000, a new feature on Rhode Island's Health Department Web site that provides public access to information on all individuals, facilities and other entities licensed or certified by the department.

With it, consumers can get up-to-date information about health care providers, including professional disciplinary actions over the past 10 years, according to state health department officials. Soon, they will be able to get inspection information for restaurants and other facilities.

And beginning this fall, health workers and facilities will be able to apply for or renew their licenses online.

"It's one-stop service for licensees and the public," said Patricia Nolan, health department director. "Typically, information will be updated by the next business day. We've eliminated the need for most paper files, check processing and trips to state offices."

The Health Department handles licensing for more than 87,000 workers in 80 professions and more than 30,000 facilities, including hospitals, nursing homes, laboratories, public water supplies and restaurants.

The system took more than two years to develop, including staff training and data conversion from 43 databases and paper records. The prototype also can be used in other state agencies.

Lead contractor on the project was System Automation Corp. of Calverton, Md.