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Kurt Baumann

President & CEO

urt Baumann

InterCon Systems Corp.

950 Herndon Pkwy.

Suite 420

Herndon, Va. 22070

(703) 709-5500

Kurt Baumann is leveraging local relationships to boost his company's fortunes. Baumann is president and CEO of InterCon Systems Corp., a 6-year-old Herndon, Va., supplier of TCP/IP and Internet access software.

Vienna, Va.-based America Online announced it will license WebShark, InterCon's World Wide Web browser software, to provide AOL's Macintosh members with access to the Web. David Cole, president of AOL's Internet Services Co., said WebShark represents the industry's best technology, and will allow AOL to become the first major online service to offer Macintosh users with Web access.

Baumann said the most significant aspect of the AOL arrangement is the exposure InterCon and its software stand to gain from its association with the nation's fastest-growing online service. Although the AOL deal represents the first such agreement for InterCon, Baumann said he is currently discussing similar ventures with other major online services.

On the same day, InterCon announced three Internet service providers, Portal Information Network, Pipex International, and PSINet, also of Herndon, will all support its Internet access software package, NetShark, which includes the WebShark browser and a multimedia E-mail application. All three ISPs will provide automated configuration for InterCon customers, allowing them to establish immediate Internet connection upon installation.

The fact that AOL and PSINet are both neighbors, he said, made those deals that much easier to close. "I think it is kind of interesting to note that most of the major Internet service providers are all located right here, plus Sprint and MCI have a lot of Internet-related work being done here as well," he said. "That's really helped us."

Meanwhile, Baumann said, business has been great at InterCon, and if all goes well, he plans to take the 90-employee company public by next summer. "Business has been pretty tremendous, the TCP/IP market exploded underneath us," he said. "Sales will double this year, and we expect a doubling next year as well."

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