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Tara Franzonello

Tara Franzonello
Tara Franzonello is program development manager at Arrow’s public sector practice, operated as immixGroup. She can be reached at

Why you need to understand the GSA view of buying SaaS

"Advance payments" and "upfront payments" may sound like the same thing but in the world of selling software-as-a-service there are some important distinctions, writes Tara Franzonello of the immixGroup.


Hyperscaler marketplaces offer new avenue to reach government customers

Rapid access to technology coupled with valuable solutions providers can speed agency procurements, writes immixGroup program development manager Tara Franzonello.


How to help agencies fund critical IT modernization projects

Contractors have an important role to play in shaping proposals that go before the Technology Modernization Fund board. Here's what you need to do.


Why ITES-SW2 is the key to selling software to the Army

If you don't have access to the Army's ITES Software 2, then you are probably missing an important venue for getting your software products into the Army.