
Stakeholders wonder how to keep up momentum for customer experience push

Is it time for a national strategy to ensure efforts for making government easier to navigate don't let up?


IRS outlines tech modernization, CX plans as part of $80 billion overhaul

IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel told reporters on Thursday that technology will be key to achieving the agency’s intentions to transform customer service at the agency and shrink the tax gap.


Report: CIO left out of many VA IT contract awards

A new Government Accountability Office audit details how the Veterans Affairs Department's chief information officer was not always in the loop on these decisions.


White House budget proposal includes CX, fraud prevention

The Biden Administration's fiscal year 2024 budget request emphasizes funding for the President’s Management Agenda goals, including customer experience.


National cyber strategy faces major implementation challenges, industry execs say

A depleted workforce, lack of funding and barriers to information sharing across the public and private sectors are among several challenges these executives cite regarding the federal government's new sweeping cybersecurity strategy.


Biden's equity executive order includes data, AI provisions

The order directs agencies to consider including their civil rights offices in decisions about artificial intelligence systems.


Agriculture pushes out funds to modernize key nutrition benefit

The Agriculture Department awarded over $50 million in grants last month for WIC modernization and outreach and is pursuing efforts to change regulations to permit online shopping in federally funded nutrition programs.


OMB prioritizes CX in budget planning

The inclusion of customer experience and service delivery priorities in budget preparation guidance from OMB will likely get the attention of agencies as they prepare their budget requests for the next fiscal year, experts told FCW.


DHS looks to cyber self-assessments over CMMC model

DHS is considering how it might use self-assessments for vendors to measure their cyber hygiene—an approach that would set it apart from the Defense Department’s plans for third-party assessments.


GSA looks to help get LGBTQI-owned small businesses in the contracting mix

The agency is going to work with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce as part of an effort to increase access to contracting for LGBTQI-owned small businesses.


Tech trade group seeks bumps to TMF, agency-based IT funds

FedRAMP funding and budget to support zero trust initiatives at civilian agencies are also on the appropriations wish-list of the Alliance for Digital Innovation.


There's no final number yet for pandemic fraud, oversight leaders tell Congress

Total fraud levels in pandemic relief programs are upwards of $100 billion, but getting a clear estimate is made difficult by data gaps and ongoing fraud recovery efforts, officials said at a Senate hearing.


OMB: This is the year for security clearance reform

Jason Miller, deputy director of management at the Office of Management and Budget, a key leader in security clearance reform efforts, says to expect major milestones in 2022.


Supreme Court hearing turns to the contractor mandate

Chief Justice John Roberts invoked the federal contractor mandate – currently blocked from taking effect due to a lawsuit – at a hearing at which two separate vaccine authority cases were argued on Friday.

White House releases 'vision' for president's management agenda

The coming president's management agenda will stress the federal workforce, customer service user experience and equity as well as a push to build capacity in financial management and improve acquisition.

White House extends vaccine deadline for contractors

Federal contractors have until Jan. 4, 2022, to comply now that the White House has extended the deadline into early next year.

Details on discipline emerge as contractor vaccination deadline looms

Federal contractors will decide for themselves on how to manage employees who decline COVID-19 vaccinations but agencies can restrict unvaccinated workers from federal facilities.

How GSA is implementing the contractor vaccination mandate

The agency is using robotics process automation to send out contract changes to contractors covered by the White House's vaccination requirements.

OPM looks to modernize IT, set up revolving fund

In a report to Congress, the Office of Personnel Management said it largely agreed with a set of recommendations from the National Academy of Public Administration about the future of the HR agency and that it should prioritize spending around IT modernization.

Biden mandates COVID vaccine for feds, contractors

The vaccine mandate will supplant administration workforce policy put in place in July that requires either vaccinations or regular testing for federal employees and contractors.