Author Archive

Edmund X. DeJesus

Store more with less

Integrators turn to storage disk arrays to customize solutions for agencies.

Help desk how-to

Make sure the solution you choose conforms to the processes, not the other way around.

The PKI Payoff

Get your customers past the difficult early stages, and then technology will deliver benefits.

Section rules drive useful tools for computer users

Computers can be a pain to use in general, but for users with handicaps, they're even more difficult.


At some point, you're not just working, you're working with others. Ideally, your colleagues are wherever you are, whenever you need them, with access to all the materials and resources needed for the task at hand.

Sliding into the right place

Human capital management starts with the idea ? radical to some ? that workers have value.

Handhelds rival laptops ?but choose carefully

Who would have thought the day would come when laptops would seem too big, and phones not useful enough?

Jukebox hero: The best way to handle DVDs

As a storage option, a DVD has a lot to offer: durability, flexibility, convenience and price. The problem is how to manage that stack, and that is where the DVD jukebox comes in.

Information Assurance Keeps Data Rolling

Information assurance is an important and growing need for government agencies.