
Google Cloud gets DOD's blessing. But will it win contracts?

Within days, the Pentagon is expected to announce winners of its up-to-$9 billion tactical cloud effort.

Mike Bloomberg Named Chair of Defense Innovation Board

The former New York City mayor and billionaire replaces Mark Sirangelo.

Find opportunities — and win them.

Lockheed's ventures arm backs quantum computing and training tech firms

Lockheed Martin Ventures has made a pair of investments that highlight the company's interest in quantum computing and cutting edge training technology.

Senator puts private-public info sharing at center of cyber debate

For cybersecurity policies to move forward and be effective the confidence in public-private info sharing needs to increase, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin says.

Number of IT professionals in workforce soars

There are now 4.6 million employees in the IT field compared to only 450,000 in 1970, according to the Occupations in Information Technology report from the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey.

IARPA to announce data protection project

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity is planning to announce a project to increase data protection in the intelligence community’s private cloud in September.

Survey suggests IT professionals too confident in cybersecurity capabilities

IT professionals may be overconfident in their abilities to quickly and efficiently detect a cyber attack in progress, according to results from a Tripwire survey.

Northrop Grumman and Ultra Electronics partner to create advanced marine technology

Northrop Grumman and Ultra Electronics have partnered to develop and enhance new maritime domain awareness and anti-submarine warfare capabilities for Northrop Grumman’s collection of autonomous systems.

Army updates IT purchasing system

The Army is updating its purchasing system for tactical communications hardware, which should open more opportunities for companies looking to sell solutions to the military.

Acquisition reform effort hits the House floor

The Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act moved to the House floor this week for a vote that could reshape how the government buys IT.

GSA takes closer look at IT portfolio

Following the release of the Digital Government Strategy, GSA CIO Casey Coleman says her agency will looks to review its IT portfolio as part of the federal IT reform.

Shared services poised to reshape the federal market

Industry should brace for impact as the government adopts more shared services, CIO warns.

Message to Facebook: Knock off the changes.

Facebook's Timeline feature creates confusion, not clarity.

High-tech projects hit the most wasteful list

Sen. Tom Coburn's annual list of wasteful government spending does not spare new technologies.

Games turn serious

Videogame technologies are becoming useful for research, science and other serious applications.

Twitter: Is this 'river of information' too polluted to be useful?

Scott Klososky, the opening keynote at the Executive Leadership Conference, made some questionable statements about the value of social media.

Listening in on GovLoop

Steve Kelman takes time to hear what the GovLoopers are saying.