The $10.7 million contract calls for GDIT to work with the HHS Office of Child Care, which provides financial assistance to low-income working families.
ICF International Inc. will expand its technical assistance and training for the Health and Human Services Department’s Head Start program as a result of a new contract from the HHS Administration for Children and Families worth $34.3 million.
ICF International will continue providing clearinghouse and other IT services to the Health and Human Services Department having successfully won a five-year recompete contract that is valued at $44.6 million.
SAIC will provide a wide range of IT services to the Health and Human Services Department's Health Resources and Services Administration Data Warehouse.
ICF International Inc. will provide technical expertise to the Health and Human Services Department under a recompeted five-year contract worth $16.3 million.
The Health and Human Services Department's National Coordinator for the Health IT announced an initiative to develop new applications and solutions in health IT.
General Dynamics Corp. will continue providing claims processing support to the Health and Human Services Department under a five-year task order that has a potential value of $95 million.
The Health and Human Services Department has been pushing out its data in recent months and the results have sparked innovation and helped consumers, Chief Technology Officer Todd Park said at a new media conference.
ICF International Inc., Columbia University and Westat Inc. will assist the Health and Human Services Department with strategic information services under a five-year contract that could be worth as much as $100 million.
Vangent Inc. will assist the Indian Health Service deploy an information technology health information exchange, a master patient index and the Nationwide Health Information Network under a $3.3 million contract.
Opening data to patients and outside developers is leading health care toward a fundamental change in how patients get care, panelists said today at the Executive Leadership Council.