2014 Top 100

46: The SI Orgnization
Top 100 Revenue: $390,607
Defense Revenue: $120,108
Civilian Revenue: $270,499
2013 Revenue: N/A
2013 Earnings: N/A
2012 Revenue: N/A
2012 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: N/A
Headquarters: Chantilly, Va.
Website: http://www.thesiorg.com/

Mac Curtis, president and CEO

Tom Sheridan, VP, National Security Space; Kent Matlick, VP, GEOINT Integration; Brett Dody, VP, Intelligence Systems Group; Joe Squatrito, Director, PhaseOne Communications Solutions Group; Mike Kirkland, VP, Mission Analysis; Doug Dreyer, SVP, Advanced Solutions; Jerry Calhoun, SVP, Human Capital Partners

Ticker: N/A
Lines of business: Systems engineering and integration, enterprise integration strategic planning, performance analysis, modeling & simulation
Major customers: Defense, intelligence community, Homeland Security
Major contracts/projects: ENCORE II, NETCENTS 2, Seaport-e
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