2003 Top 100

89: SBC Communications Inc.
Top 100 Revenue: $57,006,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $43.1 billion
2002 Earnings: $7.5 billion
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 175,000
Headquarters: San Antonio
Website: www.sbc.com

Edward Whitacre Jr., chairman and CEO

Doug Dangremond, vice president, SBC Federal Solutions

Ticker: SBC
Lines of business: SBC Yahoo DSL and Dial; voice services, data services, long distance, and yellow page advertising
Major customers: General Services Administration
Major contracts/projects: SBC is providing a variety of telecom products and services to the U.S. Treasury under a blanket purchase agreement. As part of the agreement, SBC is providing network design, implementation and management support, and maintenance for legacy equipment and new products.
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