2003 Top 100

87: EMC Corp.
Top 100 Revenue: $58,159,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $5.4 billion
2002 Earnings: loss of $119 million
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 17,000
Headquarters: Hopkinton, Mass.
Website: www.emc.com

Mike Ruettgers, executive chairman; Joseph Tucci, president and CEO

Steve Alfieris, vice president, federal systems division

Ticker: EMC
Lines of business: Global solutions group, global services, open software operations, new ventures, storage platform operations, and federal systems division
Major customers: Internal Revenue Service, Army National Guard, Department of State, Patent and Trademark Office
Major contracts/projects: As the volume of trademarks issued continues to grow, it is increasingly challenging to efficiently and effectively manage the massive data growth. To support its transition to e-government, the Patent and Trademark Office has standardized on more than 300 terabytes of EMC automated networked storage systems and software to better manage and protect a database of patent grants and trademark registrations issued over the last 200 years, as well as image-based files and other visual material associated with patent and trademark applications.
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