2003 Top 100

77: Eagan, McAllister Associates Inc.
Top 100 Revenue: $63,662,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $100 million
2002 Earnings: Privately held
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 900
Headquarters: Lexington Park, Md.
Website: www.emainc.com

John McAllister, president and CEO

Same as CEO

Ticker: N/A
Lines of business: Aviation, C4I and technology solutions
Major customers: Navy
Major contracts/projects: EMA provided modeling and animation experts to create a series of 3D computer-generated mock-ups of a compartment on board a Coast Guard vessel to accurately represent Naval Modular Automated Communications systems on board multiple surface crafts. These mock-ups are highly detailed, photo-realistic images that clearly and accurately illustrate equipment racks and their placement, including differences between the 270- and 378-foot ships, for visual training purposes.
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