2003 Top 100

59: Alion Science and Technology Corp.
Top 100 Revenue: $83,951,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $202 million
2002 Earnings: Privately held
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 1,700
Headquarters: McLean, Va.
Website: www.alionscience.com

Bahman Atefi, chairman and CEO

Same as CEO

Ticker: N/A
Lines of business: Spectrum engineering, systems technology, strategic operations and national security
Major customers: Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense
Major contracts/projects: Alion was one of three companies selected by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) to develop and test solutions to counter the threat caused by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to enhance DTRA''s counter-terrorism and homeland defense capabilities.
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