2003 Top 100

46: American Management Systems Inc.
Top 100 Revenue: $111,918,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $986.7 million
2002 Earnings: $28.2 million
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 6,300
Headquarters: Fairfax, Va.
Website: www.ams.com

Alfred Mockett, chairman and CEO

Gary Labovich, senior vice president, public sector - federal civilian

Ticker: AMSY
Lines of business: Financial services, communications, media and entertainment, public sector - federal civilian, corporate managed services, public sector, enterprise integration and AMS Europe
Major customers: Department of Defense, Army and Navy
Major contracts/projects: AMS has launched the government''s Hazardous Materials Information Resource System (HMIRS) on behalf of the Defense Logistics Agency. DLA provides worldwide logistical, technical and supply support to the nation''s military services and several civilian federal agencies during peacetime and wartime operations. HMIRS is an online repository of material safety data sheets for more than 290,000 products.
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