2003 Top 100

17: GTSI Corp.
Top 100 Revenue: $432,610,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $935 million
2002 Earnings: $9.5 million
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 693
Headquarters: Chantilly, Va.
Website: www.gtsi.com

Dendy Young, chairman and CEO; John Spotila, president and COO

Same as CEO

Ticker: GTSI
Lines of business: Networking and communications, enterprise storage, mobile and wireless, enterprise software solutions, security, enterprise consulting, HP and Sun.
Major customers: Treasury Department, Justice Department, State Department and National Institutes of Health
Major contracts/projects: In 2002, GTSI was responsible for supplying desktop, server, network products and integration services to support the FBI''s three-year, $132 million Trilogy modernization program for prime contractor DynCorp. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks added a new sense of urgency and the FBI put the program on a fast track. As a result, GTSI compressed the three-year project into nine months and integrated and delivered all equipment to FBI offices nationwide in this compressed time frame.
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