2003 Top 100

9: Electronic Data Systems Corp.
Top 100 Revenue: $660,325,000
Defense Revenue: N/A
Civilian Revenue: N/A
2002 Revenue: $21.5 billion
2002 Earnings: $1.12 billion
2001 Revenue: N/A
2001 Earnings: N/A
Number of employees: 137,000
Headquarters: Plano, Texas
Website: www.eds.com

Michael Jordan, chairman and CEO; Jeff Heller, president and COO

Al Edmonds, president, EDS U.S. Government Solutions

Ticker: EDS
Lines of business: Operations solutions, solutions consulting and systems integration
Major customers: Department of Defense, Navy
Major contracts/projects: The Command Communications Survivability Program contract to upgrade the Pentagon''s information technology infrastructure allows EDS to continue playing a major role in ensuring the military has a seamless and secure means of communicating. Spurred by the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Department of Defense launched an intensive effort to ensure the survivability of the Pentagon''s voice and data network communications and mainframe processing capability.
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