Bids and proposals

The Alaska Transportation Department wants a contractorto provide a vehicle information system.

The Alaska Transportation Department wants a contractorto provide a vehicle information system. Arequest for proposals is expected in August.The department wants a contractor to furnish asystem that would help the state improve theintegrity of stored data,reduce staff training time andprovide a platform thatemployees can easily reconfigure to adjust to missiongoals without outside technical assistance.Texas' Commission on State Emergency Communicationswants a contractor to provide a nextgeneration911 emergency services system. Arequest for proposals isexpected in September.The contractor would berequired to assist with the conversion of an olderanalog system to a new digital system that wouldbe implemented statewide in phases.The Montana Department of Administration'sGeneral Services Division wants a contractor to providea records management system. A request forproposals is expected in October.The contractor would be responsible for developingand implementing a centralizedrecords managementsystem for the MontanaRevenue Department, which is responsible for theadministration, security and confidentiality of statetax documentation.Long Beach, Calif., wants a contractor to provide acustomer information billing system. A request forproposals is expected in September.The contractor would be required to replace thecity's existing customer utility billing system with amodern customer informationsystem that provides electronicbilling, offers self-servicefeatures and handles conservation incentives thatare part of the billing process.
Vehicle information network

911 emergency services

Records management system

Customer information system

These opportunities are provided by Input Inc., a
market research firm in Reston, Va. (