Bids & proposals | State & local

The Missouri Administration Office seeks a contractor to provide a records management system. A request for proposals is expected in October.The contractor will deploy computer-aided dispatch, records management and message switching systems to support the Missouri State Highway Patrol.The Virginia Housing Development Authority wants a contractor to provide software for financial applications. An RFP is expected in the fall.The agency is seeking a single software solution that will accommodate the systematic capture of its accounting data and work effectively with existing systems.The California Systems Integration Office wants a contractor to provide consulting services to help it develop, maintain and administer automated business process applications associated with its Statewide Automated Child Welfare System. An RFP is expected in August.Current automated business processes for the system include issue tracking, management reporting, contract management, deliverable tracking, and time and employee reporting management.
Records management

Financial apps software

Welfare software

These opportunities are compiled by Federal Sources Inc., a market research firm in McLean, Va. (